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Laura Boyle
Jun 8, 20212 min read
June, and Pride, and the “who belongs at Pride and who doesn’t and why” discourse always gives me a big bundle of Feelings, with an...

Laura Boyle
May 25, 20213 min read
Hard to Open, Hard to Close, and Hard to Send - Communication Styles
Some people (like yours truly) are talkers - they show interest by sharing the everyday and mundane in any format available to them...

Laura Boyle
Sep 11, 20202 min read
Fighting to Lose
No one wins when you fight to win. I shared this post on my personal Facebook page this week, which was attributed to someone named...

Laura Boyle
Jul 17, 20202 min read
The Most Unexpected Thing About Polyamory
This is one of those topics where everyone might have a different answer. Because of that, I’m making it a series, and I’m literally...

Laura Boyle
Jul 13, 20203 min read
Your Partners Can Handle Emotions When They’re Hard
We talked recently about negative, difficult emotions that you will feel your own personal version of at some point in your life. And our...

Laura Boyle
Jul 10, 20203 min read
All You Need Isn't Love
As I’ve said before, we tend to take for granted that love is the core of whether of a relationship lasts. The Beatles song is strong...
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Laura Boyle
May 20, 20205 min read
Hard-won Compersion
The last time we talked about compersion, we defined it and talked about why it isn’t mandatory. As a reminder, compersion is the...
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Laura Boyle
May 11, 20204 min read
Gates and Guided Tours: Unfolding Secrets To New Partners
If we could build a model of my mind (very different from my brain, I’ve seen loads of those), it would be the midieval castle at Haut...

Laura Boyle
May 1, 20204 min read
Polyamorous “Experts”: Or, Why I don’t call myself that
As you may have noticed in my last post, my take on the Polyamorous Expert is that they don’t exist. I’m an educator, I’ve been doing...
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Laura Boyle
Apr 29, 202010 min read
The Polyamorous People You’ll Meet:
If you make it out to enough meetups and make a group of poly friends who have other poly friends, you will with time meet all the...

Laura Boyle
Apr 27, 20204 min read
The Time I Had A Fight About Sleepovers
I believe in sleepovers - with partners, that is. I think they’re a super-important marker of increased intimacy in a relationship; a...

Laura Boyle
Apr 22, 20203 min read
Removing Pressure to be "The One"
One of the things I mentioned in my What is the Best Thing About Polyamory entry (and that came up more than once in the comments on...

Laura Boyle
Apr 20, 20204 min read
Advertising Polyamory
I have a deeply complicated relationship with all the press (especially tabloid press) polyamory has received lately. It’s a necessary...

Laura Boyle
Apr 10, 20204 min read
What is the Best Thing About Polyamory?
The best thing about polyamory is that it lets me love myself above others without guilt. I don’t mean for this to sound selfish; and it...

Laura Boyle
Apr 7, 20204 min read
The Green Eyed Monster In My Life (Spoilers: It's Me)
There are lots of things in life that are Do As I Say, Not As I Do for a person sharing collective advice. I’m a LOT better about...

Laura Boyle
Mar 30, 20205 min read
Kitchen Table to Parallel Polyamory, Part 7: Strictly Parallel Relationships
We went through a lot of theory in Part 6 of this series - and very little in the way of stories and practical examples. A lot of that...

Laura Boyle
Mar 27, 20204 min read
Kitchen Table to Parallel Polyamory, Part 6: Mildly Parallel Relationships
Rather than focusing on a polycule, today, we’re going to focus on how a pair of dyad relationships, each involving one common person,...

Laura Boyle
Mar 25, 20207 min read
Kitchen Table to Parallel Polyamory, Part 5: The Polycule With a Little of Everything
Most extended constellations or big polycules are actually a mix of kitchen table and parallel polyamorous styles. You hit a point where...

Laura Boyle
Mar 23, 20205 min read
Kitchen Table and Parallel Polyamory: Part 4, Kitchen Table Polyamory
Today, we have the basic idea of Kitchen Table Polyamory: being friendly among all of each other’s partners that could sit and have a cup...

Laura Boyle
Mar 20, 20207 min read
Kitchen Table and Parallel Polyamory, Part 3: Kitchen Table with “Extras”
Beyond the basic idea of having a cup of coffee at the kitchen table, people’s idea of “kitchen table polyamory” can vary widely. When...
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