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Jealousy and Hierarchy
Hierarchy is one of the concepts in polyamory that stirs up strong feelings in conversation every time it comes up. There’s a contingent...
Laura Boyle
Apr 22, 20213 min read

Your Partners Can Handle Emotions When They’re Hard
We talked recently about negative, difficult emotions that you will feel your own personal version of at some point in your life. And our...
Laura Boyle
Jul 13, 20203 min read

Hard-won Compersion
The last time we talked about compersion, we defined it and talked about why it isn’t mandatory. As a reminder, compersion is the...
Laura Boyle
May 20, 20205 min read
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Zero-Sum Thinking
This isn’t just a polyamory thing. This is a Life Thing. Zero-sum Thinking is the idea that if someone else has something, there’s less...
Laura Boyle
May 13, 20204 min read

Compersion Is Not Mandatory
Compersion is a word you probably won’t use or hear unless you’re polyamorous, or have a lot of polyamorous friends. I define it in this...
Laura Boyle
Apr 15, 20205 min read

The Green Eyed Monster In My Life (Spoilers: It's Me)
There are lots of things in life that are Do As I Say, Not As I Do for a person sharing collective advice. I’m a LOT better about...
Laura Boyle
Apr 7, 20204 min read

But Don’t You Get Jealous?
Or, a brief examination of sexual and emotional jealousy and the ways polyamorous people are not immune to them Polyamorous people are...
Laura Boyle
Apr 3, 20205 min read
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